
Experiences with Oroi: DomusVi El Serrallo

Jorge Maylin - - 1 Min.

DomusVi El Serrallo works with virtual reality to reinforce memory and work on emotions.

Experiences with Oroi: DomusVi El Serrallo

Experiences with Oroi: DomusVi El Serrallo

We share the experience of DomusVi El Serrallo, which is using virtual reality as a therapeutic tool, carrying out memory workshops and entertainment activities for the elderly through Oroi's virtual reality. "It is a way of reminding users of old moments they have spent in the company of their family. It can help us to take them back to a museum they visited in their youth, or to where they lived a few years ago. It is a way of working on memory and emotional aspects that are linked to the life experience of the users", says Roberto Castillo, sociocultural animator at the centre.


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