VR Elderly care Company, OROI, Appoints Linda Hypky as Marketing and Sales Manager in Germany
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Linda Hypki to drive Oroi´s expansion into the German market

VR Elderly care Company, OROI, Appoints Linda Hypky as Marketing and Sales Manager in Germany
San Sebastian, Spain, 12/11/2021.
Oroi, the company enhancing the elderly people´s wellbeing and helping nursing homes increase their efficiency with VR therapies today announced they have appointed Linda Hypki to their senior leadership team.
This appointment comes amid rapid company growth. The virtual reality therapeutic company, which was selected as one of the thousands of applicants to Newchip’s competitive accelerator program, has recently accomplished several key milestones, including
-Product trials with nursing home groups accross Germany, France and the UK.
-International sales with important nursing home groups, like Les Yvelines or Emvia Living.
Linda, brings experience in the sales and marketing fields, with a deep understanding of customer relationships and international business management. During their studies, she concentrated on the expansion in different markets and the perfect adaptation of the product solutions. Now, she will practice her theoretical knowledge in our company. “I believe Oroi will change and improve the way German nursing homes are approaching elderly care. The introduction of new technologies can enhance the wellbeing of the residents as well as save time of the professionals at the moment of designing therapies. Let’s be open minded to new technologies and make a revolution in the healthcare sector”, says the new country director.
OROI plans to expand to the German market by deploying over 100 devices in local nursing homes by 2022. Linda will be leading the relationships with local nursing home groups to make sure the implementation process is successful and the brand has a big impact in the local elderly people community.
OROI is on a mission to elderly care institutions, nursing homes and care professionals to enhance the wellbeing and cognitive state of the elderly and residents. Since launching the company, OROI has successfully deployed it´s services in over 150 nursing homes across Spain, France and Portugal.

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VR Elderly care Company, OROI, Appoints Linda Hypky as Marketing and Sales Manager in Germany

Its use started with computer games and is now an important part of the medicine and care sector- VR