Efficient therapies in elderly care with virtual reality
Jorge Maylin - - 2 Min.
How many times have you been thinking about implementing innovative therapies to improve the life quality of our elderly? We are sure that plenty...The main problem we face while doing so is that both the time and the resources we have available for it are scarce. The workload is even bigger when we need to take care of the whole process; design the therapy, prepare it and make it happen with our users. All of this, adapting it to people suffering advanced dementias such like Alzheimer.

Efficient therapies in elderly care with virtual reality
Technology plays a key role in therapy based innovations. But, far from being something that makes our job easier, when we try to apply it by ourselves, it transfers a bigger work load to our day by day. In Oroi, we understand that technology has to enable therapies to be both more effective and efficient, so that the professional has more time available to focus in the application of the therapeutic session.
And this is how we can help you with our virtual reality solutions:
-Already available content, adapted to the user profiles we can find within a nursing home. You do not need to worry about looking for the content in the internet or any other sources. The content is already available and ready to be enjoyed within the virtual reality googles.

-Activity/Intervention guides. Professionals we have interviewed invest around 20.30 minutes to prepare the activities previously to their execution. Are you worried about investing time in preparing the activity or session related to the content? With our intervention guides, you will have a resource that will make your work easier. Already designed questions and answers, prepared by our neuropsychology team, oriented to socialize the experience and train cognitive functions such like memory or attention.
-Group based sessions. Even if VR is an individual therapy, thanks to Oroi Sync, our program to synchronize and manage multiple virtual reality devices simultaneously, you will be able to manage a session with up to 10 different users, all of them enjoying the same virtual visit at the same time. A walk through the mountains, a boat trip in the mediterranean sea. All the benefits of a social excursion with the efficiency of a group based therapy!

Do not hesitate to contact us to request more information!

Retired ship engineer Ian rekindles his love of the sea during a virtual reality tour with Oroi

VR Elderly care Company, OROI, Appoints Linda Hypky as Marketing and Sales Manager in Germany

Its use started with computer games and is now an important part of the medicine and care sector- VR